Getting a mortgage can be challenging if you have a complex or non-standard income structure.
Enness specialises in brokering mortgages for individuals with complex income. We work with entrepreneurs, business owners, self-employed individuals, contractors, high-net-worth individuals and foreign nationals. We work with every lender in the market and know how to deliver the best mortgage solution for you - whatever your situation.
As an independent broker, we work with all the lenders in the market. To unlock a mortgage for you, we can negotiate pre-paid and rolled-up interest methods, interest deposits, and mortgages. Even if you have a short trading history, one year's accounts or one year's tax returns and even very high loan-to-value mortgages - even if you have complex income.
Get in touch to discuss your requirements. We have a track record of arranging mortgages for clients with complex income structures, and we will be able to help.