
Refinance of UK buy-to-let portfolio for foreign national living in the UAE


Islay Robinson

Refinance of UK buy-to-let portfolio for foreign national living in the UAE
Islay Robinson

Islay Robinson

The UK buy-to-let (BTL) market has traditionally been considered a lucrative area for investors from around the world. Unfortunately, whilst property in the UK still represents a very good investment, increased regulation in the BTL arena has made it more difficult for foreign clients to secure large mortgages. This has created a problem for clients with existing portfolios, who often struggle to refinance when necessary.

This was the situation faced by a recent Enness' client, an Indian national living in Dubai. This client was a successful businessman and had a high personal net worth. However, he was struggling to remortgage his portfolio of BTL properties in the UK. His portfolio had a total value of over £2million, and he was looking for the borrowing of approximately 75% loan to value (LTV) across the portfolio.

The properties in question were excellent assets achieving a strong rental income, but this was quite a high LTV to achieve, as clients who do not live in the country are considered more of a risk by lenders. To complicate matters further, one of the properties was also owned in a British Virgin Islands (BVI) company, an offshore structure which many mortgage lenders are not comfortable working with.


After meeting with this client, I felt confident our brokers in London could help, as they have excellent relationships with specialist lenders able to cater to clients from around the world. I referred the case over to my colleagues in the UK and they set to work researching lenders. They were able to source a lender who was happy with the client’s background, who offered a lending facility at 2.75% + LIBOR on an interest-only basis.

This was an excellent result, and a clear example of how having a wide knowledge of the specialist lending market can make a real difference when it comes to applying for property portfolio finance in the UK. If you are a UAE resident with a BTL portfolio in the UK, I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss your case and see if our London team can help.

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