Key Details:
- Introducer: Private Banker, Switzerland
- Client: (U)HNW, VIP client of the bank
- Scenario: The borrower (a VIP client of the Swiss Private Bank) wanted a loan to invest into various high-growth opportunities, but the banker’s institution doesn’t lend
- Requirements: A competitive rate, significant capital, the borrower wasn’t required to enter into a new banking relationship and the banker could bring the loan capital into their institution in AUM
- Loan amount: £7 million (70% LTV)
The introducer was a private banker from Switzerland who needed to source a high-value loan for an UHNWI. The borrower was one of the bank’s best clients. The introducer was tasked with sourcing the borrower a loan that would allow them to invest in several business opportunities. While the private banker’s institution managed the borrower’s wealth, they don’t offer loans.
The banker asked Enness to broker a competitive loan for the client that, if possible, didn’t require that the client had to enter into a new relationship with a competing bank. The banker and the borrower had a great relationship, and both had a preference for a deal that would allow the borrower to bring the loan capital into the current banking relationship, with the banker managing it as part of the portfolio.
Working with the banker to identify the best assets to use as security for a loan, Enness secured a £7 million loan (1.8% with a ten-year term) against an unencumbered property in London in the borrower’s portfolio. Enness negotiated a deal where the lender approved that the original banker in Switzerland could manage the loan capital until the borrower deployed it. The solution meant the client got the loan they needed, the banker significantly increased the assets they managed for the client, and the client did not need to place assets with another bank or enter into a new banking relationship.
Information contained in our case studies is for market and illustrative purposes only. In some cases, these may be made up of multiple cases and are for illustrative purposes only.
Some case studies are made up of enquiries that have come into the business, not all business completes, and the posting of a case study does not represent a completed piece of business.