
Buy-to-let mortgage in London for Pakistani resident


Islay Robinson

Buy-to-let mortgage in London for Pakistani resident
Islay Robinson

Islay Robinson

If you’re a Pakistani national looking to purchase rental property in the UK, this recent Enness case may be of interest to you. This client was a Pakistani national with an income in the region of $1million a year. This individual was self-employed and had enjoyed a successful career, and now wanted to invest in the UK’s buy-to-let (BTL) market. UK rental property is favoured by many international investors, because it is seen as a stable investment and a trusted way of holding wealth.

However, he was struggling to find a lender who would work with him, considering the fact he was not only a Pakistani national but also still resident in Pakistan. As such, he had limited ties to the UK, and lenders can sometimes be wary about this.

The property in question was valued at over £1million, and he was looking to borrow up to 75% loan to value (LTV). This was quite a high LTV for a non-resident client; some lenders would perceive this as too much of a risk, and require the client to place substantially more as a deposit.


Fortunately, our London brokering team has a wealth of experience in securing mortgages for clients like this. As such, they knew exactly which lender to approach for this case. This lender’s international profile meant they were comfortable working with Pakistani clients, and by looking at the client’s background, saw that he would be an excellent client to build a relationship with. The London brokering team were, therefore, able to secure terms for this case.

They were able to arrange a BTL mortgage at a 5-year fixed rate of 3.99%, which was an excellent resolution for this client.

If you would like further information about investing in UK rental property, the Enness London team are on hand to help. Navigating this market as a foreign national or non-resident can be tricky, but with the right advice, it can be a very successful financial investment.

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