
What can Enness Secure Finance Against

What can Enness secure finance against

Islay Robinson

Enness – we don't just mortgage big houses. 

We are very well known for financing expensive houses for high net worth individuals from all over the world – we are happy about that and it is the primary function of the business. 

However, we are asked to help finance a lot more than houses – here is a rundown of the other areas we add value and expertise when it comes to financing. 

Commercial property finance 

By commercial, we mean anything which isn't a house – retail property, warehouses, HMOs, hotels and bed and breakfasts, equestrian centres, business centres, office blocks, catteries and even the odd marina. 

We have financed a considerable range of commercial properties for occupation, investment, or development purposes. 

As with the residential market, the lenders here are huge in number, fragmented and from all over the world.  

Commercial property is often much less driven by emotion compared to the residential markets we operate in. As such, the success of a transaction comes down to the numbers and the structure of the transaction. 

Property portfolios 

Whether it's three buy-to-let properties though to hundreds of properties all over the world – we have helped landlords, and property companies access the best possible finance, either to maximise liquidity for more investments, drive down the cost of the portfolio or for strategic tax planning. 

International property mortgages 

We can arrange mortgages secured against property in practically any city in the world, and the majority are done directly with a lender. Prime European cities take up the majority of our time given the appeal, mature lending markets. Still, we see requests from individuals all over the world to finance property across the globe. 

Language, process, customs, the legal and property systems and more make international property finance a tough market – but we are getting very good at it. Our growing list of global mortgage lenders covering all parts of the world makes all the difference. 

Property development finance  

Finding the correct finance for property development is vital for success and, unless you can fund the development in cash, probably one thing that will take up the majority of would-be developers thoughts. 

Senior debt stretched senior, mezzanine and equity are all parts of the development finance stack, and we have excellent contacts and experience in each.  

We have helped finance land, a land without and pre-planning, all the way through the build and to the exit or refinance at the other end. Read more about bridging finance for land.

As with everything else, we add value in the tricky parts of the market where leverage is critical, the property is complex, or there are other technical points to overcome.

Business finance  

Business finance is a growing marketplace – its unregulated, primed for change and structurally significant. Once dominated by the big five banks, there is now a proliferation of new options from challenger banks, alternative financiers, peer to peer through to private equity and private individuals. 

How difficult raising finance for businesses is was highlighted via the governments covid schemes were an unbelievable number of great companies were unable to access funds they needed from their banks even when the government guaranteed it. 

We can help all manner of businesses raise the finance they need for working capital, growth or rescue. 

Stocks, shares and securities 

Creating credit lines against liquid assets is a growing part of our business and again demonstrates our value and place in the market. Loans against share portfolios, securities and liquid assets, including cash, is not a new thing. Practically every private bank will offer credit lines secured against securities quickly and cheaply. Learn more about lombard finance here.

We add value where the securities are a little off perfect, where the loan to value needed is a bit higher or where there are other extenuating circumstances which prevent the bank in custody from lending. We have a vast number of lenders from hedge funds, major institutions and private individuals who we can call on to provide a facility. 


Classic and supercar finance is a growing market in the UK fuelled by the growth of investments in these types of assets (tax is one of the main reasons) followed by several boutique finance companies aiming to create lending returns. Now we have many funding options from specialist funds, challenger banks and private banks alike.

Individuals use supercar finance to generate liquidity, increate their car collection or even pre-fund re-orders of from some of the best car manufacturers in the world.

Boats and planes 

Superyachts and private jets are other areas where we are often asked to raise finance. In the main, we tend to see that individuals looking to buy these types of assets are very wealthy and as a result "well banked" and well-advised which means they often get to the leading banks who lend easily on this type of asset. If not, we are here to help – there is a substantial secondary market for prime asset finance. 


Financing art is an established market place – the value of the asset is often the biggest challenge. The major international private banks offer facilities against art for their best clients, and behind that, there is a wide range of solutions. Credit lines to acquire new pieces and loans secured against bonded art collections for many reasons are much more accessible than loans secured individual pieces. 

Wine, watches, gold, diamonds and precious stones and bitcoin and anything else 

Then there is anything and everything else which you can imagine. When we get down here, there is usually an acute reason or a particular challenge that needs to be overcome, and via our network of lenders and creative brokers, we try to find a way to create the required financing to solve the problem.