
April Fools' with Chris Lloyd

April Fools with Chris Lloyd

Chris Lloyd

I woke up this morning to what appeared to be a normal day in the life of Chris. However, little did I know that by just 9:41am my life would change forever, or so I thought…

I’m sure most of you will be aware that I have enjoyed watching Aubrey, more commonly known as ‘Drake’, progress his career in the music industry over the years with great admiration, going from strength to strength, Grammy to Grammy.

I hold myself in regard as a true day one, as they say in the industry!

When I, therefore, received the email below from Drake’s manager and long-time friend, Oliver El-Khatib, I’m sure you can imagine that I was instantly filled with an overwhelming feeling of Joy and happiness. 

In this moment of disbelief, with assistance from Tom O’Brien we managed to calm our excitement enough to write some professional, yet charming and certainly not too fan boy replies to Oli. 

I then made a swift exit out of the office to return home, where I could prepare myself for the Zoom call of my career with the man himself. Throughout the journey home, I sat patiently on the Jubilee Line listening to some of my favourite tracks from over the years, reliving memories and getting in my feels, so to speak. 

Once I had returned to my place of residence, I made a brief call to my sister where we shared our excitement and she expressed a real sense of pride for her younger brother. 

After the call with my sister ended, I received an email response from Oli at 11:14am (also detailed below)…

Immediately after digesting the somewhat obscure requests from Oli in preparation for the Zoom call, I looked at the calendar on my phone to check the date…

My dreams were instantly shattered…

I would like to take this moment to congratulate both Hugh & Islay on their creativity, and wish everyone a Happy April Fool’s day.

Although this has been an emotional whirlwind, much like most of Drake’s songs, I will never forget the feeling that I was going to do Drake’s mortgage… perhaps a little motivating in a twisted way! 

Anyway that’s enough from me, I am now off to set an alarm on my phone for 01.04.2022 to remind myself not to accept any new leads on that day.

Chris Lloyd, 

Vice President



